Sometimes when I’m doing analysis I find myself needing to figure out how many services each route (or stop/station) has in a week, or if a location has frequent service.

In writing this article, it became apparent that I use the term “service” in a few different ways - in the generic sense of “Sunday service”, which is close to a GTFS Service - to refer to a specific instance of a route (which GTFS refers to as Trip): a vehicle starts at a stop, it terminates at a stop, and it visits some number of stops in between.

It’s the latter type of services that we’re counting.

Please note: I went through a heap of different ideas along the way here. Jump right down to Measuring Frequency Much More Precisely for the best version.

We’ll use (static) GTFS data for TransLink SEQ.

Counting by Route

First, here’s a way to count by routes. It’s what initially occurred to me — but it’s also fatally flawed.

SELECT count(*) as incorrect_count, route_short_name, direction_id
FROM StopTimes JOIN Trips USING (trip_id) JOIN Routes using (route_id)
WHERE stop_sequence = 1
GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id
-- limit 3

After most samples of SQL code I’ll present a table with just a few of the results. Sometimes they’ll be manually selected, but often the criteria will be commented out in the code.

incorrect_count route_short_name direction_id
782 100 0
792 100 1
102 101 0

Note: GTFS files are effectively CSVs. Since this is relational data, I like to import them into SQLite (everything is text, but we can deal with that). I also name the resulting tables such that, for example, stop_times.txt becomes StopTimes.

"route_id" TEXT, "route_short_name" TEXT, "route_long_name" TEXT, "route_desc" TEXT,
 "route_type" TEXT, "route_url" TEXT, "route_color" TEXT, "route_text_color" TEXT);

"trip_id" TEXT, "arrival_time" TEXT, "departure_time" TEXT, "stop_id" TEXT,
 "stop_sequence" TEXT, "pickup_type" TEXT, "drop_off_type" TEXT);
CREATE INDEX idx_stoptimes_trips ON StopTimes (trip_id);

What’s the issue with that first bit of code? Well, StopTimes says when in the day a service runs, but not which day, let alone date, it runs on. Weekdays, weekends, public holidays, service changes — all in there together.

Let’s look at the Trips table:

"route_id" TEXT, "service_id" TEXT, "trip_id" TEXT, "trip_headsign" TEXT,
 "direction_id" TEXT, "block_id" TEXT, "shape_id" TEXT);

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pk_trips on Trips (trip_id);

What’s this service_id column? It only appears in two other tables, namely Calendar and CalendarDates. 1

This is actually how GTFS specifies which trips occur on a given date! Calendar encodes normal operations (allowing for a pattern which repeats every week) while CalendarDates encodes exceptions on specific dates (like public holidays).2

"service_id" TEXT, "monday" TEXT, "tuesday" TEXT, "wednesday" TEXT,
 "thursday" TEXT, "friday" TEXT, "saturday" TEXT, "sunday" TEXT,
 "start_date" TEXT, "end_date" TEXT);

"service_id" TEXT, "date" TEXT, "exception_type" TEXT);

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pk_calendar ON Calendar (service_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pk_calendar_dates ON CalendarDates (service_id, date);

Note that the dates in CalendarDates are single days and override the day-of-the-week columns in Calendar. For example, a particular service might be specified as sunday-only service in Calendar, but apply most days from Christmas Day to January 1st in CalendarDates. As for exception_type, a 1 is an added service and a 2 is a removed service.

Here’s some entries from Calendar:

service_id monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday start_date end_date
GCLR 24_25-36993 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 20250124 20250321
GCLR 24_25-36991 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 20250123 20250324
GCLR 24_25-36990 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 20250125 20250322
GCLR 24_25-36992 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 20250126 20250323
ATS_SBL 25-38504 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 20250315 20250315

And from CalendarDates:

service_id date exception_type
BBL 24_25-36196 20250127 2
BCC 24_25-38101 20250127 1
CBL 24_25-36455 20250127 1
ATS_TBS 25-38421 20250130 2
ATS_TBS 25-38421 20250131 2

So to answer the question “How many trips run each week?” we need to:

  • Choose a week (i.e. a start and end date). For each date in that week:
    • Identify all the services usually running during that day (using Calendar)
      • A service is usually running if {date} BETWEEN start_date AND end_date and if the day-of-the-week column is 1
      • Note that a service might start on, say, the Wednesday in the middle of our chosen week, but also define services running on Mondays and Tuesdays (presumably starting the following week). This is part of why we have to go day-by-day.
    • Identify any exceptions (using CalendarDates) and apply those.
      • A service is included if its exception_type is 1 and excluded if it is 2, for the relevant date. If it does not appear at all, only what’s in Calendar matters
  • Then we can sum up by service_id.

Notice that we don’t actually look at the StopTimes table here at all!

Just for one day

Let’s begin by just calculating each day of the week separately, as their own view. This is partly to avoid going full wizard upfront, and partly because GTFS dates are in YYYYMMDD format rather than YYYY-MM-DD.

-- Choose your own date (e.g. with parameter substitution)
-- Also do this for the other days of the week, swapping out the `monday` column
CREATE VIEW MondayServices AS
Inclusions AS 
    (SELECT service_id FROM CalendarDates WHERE date = 20250203 AND exception_type = 1),
Exclusions AS 
    (SELECT service_id FROM CalendarDates WHERE date = 20250203 AND exception_type = 2)
SELECT service_id FROM Calendar
    (start_date <= 20250203 AND end_date >= 20250203 AND monday = 1)
    AND (NOT (service_id in Exclusions)))
OR (service_id IN Inclusions);

The full week

Since there are only seven days in a week and our reference week might cross months, we can hard-code a common table expression like so, mapping dates to days of the week:

Dates (date, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
   (20250203, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250204, 0,1,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250205, 0,0,1,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250206, 0,0,0,1,0,0,0), 
   (20250207, 0,0,0,0,1,0,0), 
   (20250208, 0,0,0,0,0,1,0), 
   (20250209, 0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
-- rest of the query

Calling this from regular code, of course, we can use parameter substitution. In SQLite that might look like this (assuming $1 as the syntax for a substituted parameter). We can also use date arithmetic to just pass the Monday (expected input format: YYYY-MM-DD, with the dashes):

Dates (date, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
   (strftime('%Y%m%d', date($1, '+0 day')), 1,0,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (strftime('%Y%m%d', date($1, '+1 day')), 0,1,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (strftime('%Y%m%d', date($1, '+2 day')), 0,0,1,0,0,0,0), 
   (strftime('%Y%m%d', date($1, '+3 day')), 0,0,0,1,0,0,0), 
   (strftime('%Y%m%d', date($1, '+4 day')), 0,0,0,0,1,0,0), 
   (strftime('%Y%m%d', date($1, '+5 day')), 0,0,0,0,0,1,0), 
   (strftime('%Y%m%d', date($1, '+6 day')), 0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
-- rest of the query

We will have to LEFT JOIN to CalendarDates and rewrite Inclusions and Exclusions as subqueries, as those CTEs assumed a specific date.

We match an entry from CalendarDates if any day from our Dates table matches (and is active). Thankfully, SQLite is very flexible and lets us do Boolean logic on text.

Dates (date, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
   (20250203, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250204, 0,1,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250205, 0,0,1,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250206, 0,0,0,1,0,0,0), 
   (20250207, 0,0,0,0,1,0,0), 
   (20250208, 0,0,0,0,0,1,0), 
   (20250209, 0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
date, service_id, exception_type
FROM Dates JOIN Calendar
    ON ((Dates.monday AND Calendar.monday) 
        OR (Dates.tuesday AND Calendar.tuesday)
        OR (Dates.wednesday AND Calendar.wednesday)
        OR (Dates.thursday AND Calendar.thursday)
        OR (Dates.friday AND Calendar.friday)
        OR (Dates.saturday AND Calendar.saturday)
        OR (Dates.sunday AND Calendar.sunday)
    LEFT JOIN CalendarDates USING (date, service_id)
    ((start_date <= date AND end_date >= date)
        AND (exception_type is null OR exception_type <> 2)) 
    OR (exception_type = 1)

Update: on first publication I made an embarrassing error switching the values of exception_type in the above code block. Fixed now!

I’ve included exception_type in the outputs for diagnostic purposes. A few rows:

date service_id exception_type
20250203 GCLR 24_25-36991
20250203 BBL 24_25-36196
20250203 ATS_TBS 25-38421 2
20250204 QR 24_25-38716

We also need to count the number of days in the reference week each service occurs, which is just a standard COUNT(*) and GROUP BY. Let’s encapsulate it all in a view for good measure.

CREATE VIEW WeeklyServices AS
Dates (date, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
   (20250203, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250204, 0,1,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250205, 0,0,1,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250206, 0,0,0,1,0,0,0), 
   (20250207, 0,0,0,0,1,0,0), 
   (20250208, 0,0,0,0,0,1,0), 
   (20250209, 0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
count(*) as day_count, service_id
FROM Dates JOIN Calendar
    ON ((Dates.monday AND Calendar.monday) 
        OR (Dates.tuesday AND Calendar.tuesday)
        OR (Dates.wednesday AND Calendar.wednesday)
        OR (Dates.thursday AND Calendar.thursday)
        OR (Dates.friday AND Calendar.friday)
        OR (Dates.saturday AND Calendar.saturday)
        OR (Dates.sunday AND Calendar.sunday)
    LEFT JOIN CalendarDates USING (date, service_id)
    ((start_date <= date AND end_date >= date)
        AND (exception_type is null OR exception_type <> 2)) 
    OR (exception_type = 1)
GROUP BY service_id
ORDER BY service_id
day_count service_id
4 GCLR 24_25-36991
5 BBL 24_25-36196
5 ATS_TBS 25-38421
3 QR 24_25-38716

Putting it all together

Now that we have our WeeklyServices view we can put everything together!

SELECT sum(day_count) as service_count, route_short_name, direction_id
FROM Trips JOIN Routes using (route_id) JOIN WeeklyServices using (service_id)
GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id
service_count route_short_name direction_id
532 100 0
539 100 1
380 29 0
926 GCR1 0
913 GCR1 1

In the above query I’ve disaggregated by direction_id since some services (like the 29) are scheduled as one-way loops. We can take the max or min over this to get an idea of overall service quality while allowing for this sort of loop.

SELECT MIN(service_count), route_short_name FROM (
    SELECT sum(day_count) as service_count, route_short_name, direction_id
    FROM Trips JOIN Routes using (route_id) JOIN WeeklyServices using (service_id)
    GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id
) GROUP BY route_short_name
HAVING MIN(service_count) >= (7 * 12 * 4) 
    -- average 4 services an hour, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week
MIN(service_count) route_short_name
532 100
380 29
913 GCR1

Counting by Stops

Knowing the number of Trips each Route takes is nice, but often we care about more geographically-oriented issues like “is this stop served by a route (or combination thereof) which comes at least X times each day?”.

We could just identify the stops served by each frequent route. But there’s an issue here: Any individual trip might only visit some of the stops on a route (conversely, on some routes a trip might visit the same stop multiple times).

We have a few common scenarios: - Extensions and variations: some trips visit some extra or different stops, usually towards one end of the route. - Expresses: some trips skip stops in the middle of the route. - Partial runs: a trip serves only a fraction of the stops along the route. - In Brisbane, the orbital Great Circle line is served this way; each trip usually only covers about 1/3rd of the full route and some very short trips provide a once-a-day variations. - Complex loops: figure-eights, triquetras, cloverleafs may result in some stops being visited multiple times per trip while most stops are visited only once. - While uncommon, the same trip might perform multiple effective laps of the route, serving every stop multiple times.

It’s difficult to resolve this other than on a route-by-route basis.

My fluvial tool aims to go much more in-depth on the topic of merging multiple runs into a single ordering. To stay in relatively straightforward SQL, we should potentially figure out a way to normalise each trip by the fraction of stops on the route it serves.

To do this we need to bring back the StopTimes table. The following code counts the number of times each week each route visits each stop:

SELECT sum(day_count) as service_count, route_short_name, direction_id, stop_id
FROM StopTimes JOIN Trips using (trip_id) JOIN Routes using (route_id) JOIN WeeklyServices using (service_id)
-- WHERE route_short_name = 598
GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id, stop_id
service_count route_short_name direction_id stop_id
135 598 1 10306
136 598 1 10679
141 598 1 10926

We can often also expose how trips serve different parts of a route by looking at Trips.shape_id if available:

SELECT sum(day_count) as service_count, route_short_name, direction_id, shape_id
FROM Trips JOIN Routes using (route_id) JOIN WeeklyServices using (service_id)
-- WHERE route_short_name = 598
GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id, shape_id
service_count route_short_name direction_id shape_id
6 598 1 5980008
135 598 1 5980009
130 598 1 5980010
130 598 1 5980011
6 598 1 5980012
5 598 1 5980013
5 598 1 5980014
6 598 1 5980203

The 598 is an unusually weird route in that buses start service at several different locations around the loop, some only once a day!

Something we might want to do the most is take the average number of times a route visits each of its stops. If we’re interested in the frequent network, we’ll probably want to approximate membership by thresholding that average too.

SELECT round(avg(service_count)) as avg_services, route_short_name, direction_id
    SELECT sum(day_count) as service_count, route_short_name, direction_id, stop_id
    FROM StopTimes JOIN Trips using (trip_id) JOIN Routes using (route_id) JOIN WeeklyServices using (service_id)
    WHERE stop_id = 300304
    GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id, stop_id
GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id
HAVING avg_services >= (7 * 12 * 4)
avg_services route_short_name direction_id
433.0 704 1

Having thresholded the routes, we can join everything back up to get a list of stops:

CREATE VIEW FrequentIndividualStops AS
WITH AvgServices AS (
    SELECT round(avg(service_count)) as avg_services, route_short_name, direction_id
    FROM (
        SELECT sum(day_count) as service_count, route_short_name, direction_id, stop_id
        FROM StopTimes JOIN Trips using (trip_id) JOIN Routes using (route_id) JOIN WeeklyServices using (service_id)
        GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id, stop_id
    GROUP BY route_short_name, direction_id
    HAVING avg_services >= (7 * 12 * 4)
SELECT stop_id, stop_lat, stop_lon
FROM Stops
    JOIN StopTimes USING (stop_id)
    JOIN Trips using (trip_id)
    JOIN Routes using (route_id)
    JOIN AvgServices using (route_short_name, direction_id)
GROUP BY stop_id

Perhaps we know that on some corridors, individual routes are not frequent but their combination is. We can identify stops which approach frequent service even if their routes are not:

SELECT sum(day_count) as service_count, stop_id
FROM StopTimes JOIN Trips using (trip_id) JOIN WeeklyServices using (service_id)
-- where stop_id between '1797' and '1802'
GROUP BY stop_id
HAVING service_count >= (7 * 12 * 4)
service_count stop_id
631 1797
632 1802

The Stops table also allows for stops to be grouped via the parent_station field. We should too. Note that by default the sqlite3 CLI imports missing CSV values as empty strings, not as null, hence the nullif wrapper for parent_station.

SELECT sum(day_count) as service_count, coalesce(nullif(parent_station, ''), stop_id) as combo_id, direction_id, stop_lat, stop_lon
FROM StopTimes JOIN Trips using (trip_id) JOIN WeeklyServices using (service_id) JOIN Stops using (stop_id)
-- where combo_id like 'place_intuq'
GROUP BY combo_id, direction_id
HAVING service_count >= (7 * 12 * 4)
service_count combo_id direction_id stop_lat stop_lon
861 place_intuq 0 -27.497974 153.011139
1065 place_intuq 1 -27.497798 153.011170

Stops which make it over the threshold are likely to also include interchanges of multiple non-frequent routes, and places which occur multiple times in a route. Since these aren’t necessarily “on the frequent network” there’s a need for manual review here.

Measuring Frequency Much More Precisely

Up until now, we’ve been using a simple 7 * 12 * 4 = 336 services/week approximation of frequency. But what about when a combination of peak-hour services and more-than-12-hour span push the number of services per day over our threshold, while still leaving gaps in the middle of the day?

Ideally, we would measure headways throughout the day, or even look at effective frequency.

Doing this at scale will also allow us to take more advantage of the concept of corridors. If a pair of locations (stops or stations) are connected, bidirectionally, at sufficient frequency, then that is exactly the definition of a link in the frequent network, and moreover one which does not depend on individual routes being frequent. It’s possible that there are actually several, disconnected frequent networks.

We can identify all adjacent 3 pairs of stops linked by a trip:

CREATE VIEW AdjacentStops AS
SELECT trip_id, departure_time, stop_sequence, stop_id,
    lead(stop_id) OVER (partition by trip_id order by cast(stop_sequence as int) ASC) as next_stop_id
FROM StopTimes
trip_id departure_time stop_sequence stop_id next_stop_id
28348512-BBL 24_25-36196 06:30:00 1 12105 313180
28348512-BBL 24_25-36196 06:39:00 2 313180 313177
28348512-BBL 24_25-36196 06:40:00 3 313177 316811

What we now need to do is:

  • For each day we’re interested in
    • For each pair of stops
      • Identify the headways between trips serving that pair

This then allows us to say if they’re connected adequately frequently.

The following SQL will tend to produce a lot of rows with departure = next_departure. This is because there are lots of different trips corresponding to different services, each of which may or may not be operating on any given day. Instead, I’ve filtered to show a low-frequency route with only one service pattern, so it’s easier to make sense of the format.

SELECT stop_id, next_stop_id, departure_time,
    lead(departure_time) OVER (partition by stop_id, next_stop_id order by departure_time asc) as next_departure
FROM AdjacentStops
WHERE next_stop_id is not null
-- and stop_id in ('12105', '313180', '313177')
ORDER BY departure_time asc
stop_id next_stop_id departure_time next_departure
12105 313180 06:30:00 17:48:00
313180 313177 06:39:00 17:57:00
313177 316811 06:40:00 17:58:00

Let’s generalise over the full week:

Dates (date, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
   (20250203, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250204, 0,1,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250205, 0,0,1,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250206, 0,0,0,1,0,0,0), 
   (20250207, 0,0,0,0,1,0,0), 
   (20250208, 0,0,0,0,0,1,0), 
   (20250209, 0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
ThisWeek AS
    service_id, date
    FROM Dates JOIN Calendar
        ON ((Dates.monday AND Calendar.monday) 
            OR (Dates.tuesday AND Calendar.tuesday)
            OR (Dates.wednesday AND Calendar.wednesday)
            OR (Dates.thursday AND Calendar.thursday)
            OR (Dates.friday AND Calendar.friday)
            OR (Dates.saturday AND Calendar.saturday)
            OR (Dates.sunday AND Calendar.sunday)
        LEFT JOIN CalendarDates USING (date, service_id)
        ((start_date <= date AND end_date >= date)
            AND (exception_type is null OR exception_type <> 2)) 
        OR (exception_type = 1)
SELECT date, stop_id, next_stop_id, departure_time,
    lead(departure_time) OVER 
        (partition by date, stop_id, next_stop_id order by departure_time asc) 
        as next_departure
FROM AdjacentStops 
    JOIN Trips USING (trip_id) 
    JOIN ThisWeek using (service_id)
WHERE next_stop_id is not null

This takes a pretty long time to run, so I materialized it and indexed by stop_id.

  stop_id TEXT,
  departure_time TEXT,
); -- AS SELECT * FROM ...
CREATE INDEX idx_mvssf_stopid on MV_StopStopFreqs (stop_id);

Combined Routes, Combined Locations

In addition to combining frequency across all routes between stops, we also want to use combined locations where they exist. It wouldn’t do to miss out on frequency just because Route 1 leaves from Platform A and Route 2 leaves from Platform B while both serve the same pair of stations!

It’s probably best to start back at AdjacentStops, turning it into AdjacentLocations

CREATE VIEW AdjacentLocations AS
SELECT trip_id, departure_time, stop_sequence, 
    coalesce(nullif(X.parent_station, ''), A.stop_id) as this_loc,
    coalesce(nullif(Y.parent_station, ''), A.next_stop_id) as next_loc
FROM AdjacentStops A
    JOIN Stops X ON (A.stop_id = X.stop_id)
    JOIN Stops Y ON (A.next_stop_id = Y.stop_id)

Then materialize and index the big query…

CREATE TABLE MV_LocationPairFreqs AS 
Dates (date, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
   (20250203, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250204, 0,1,0,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250205, 0,0,1,0,0,0,0), 
   (20250206, 0,0,0,1,0,0,0), 
   (20250207, 0,0,0,0,1,0,0), 
   (20250208, 0,0,0,0,0,1,0), 
   (20250209, 0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
ThisWeek AS
    service_id, date
    FROM Dates JOIN Calendar
        ON ((Dates.monday AND Calendar.monday) 
            OR (Dates.tuesday AND Calendar.tuesday)
            OR (Dates.wednesday AND Calendar.wednesday)
            OR (Dates.thursday AND Calendar.thursday)
            OR (Dates.friday AND Calendar.friday)
            OR (Dates.saturday AND Calendar.saturday)
            OR (Dates.sunday AND Calendar.sunday)
        LEFT JOIN CalendarDates USING (date, service_id)
        ((start_date <= date AND end_date >= date)
        AND (exception_type is null OR exception_type <> 2)) 
        OR (exception_type = 1)
SELECT date, this_loc, next_loc, departure_time,
    lead(departure_time) OVER 
        (partition by date, this_loc, next_loc order by departure_time asc) 
        as next_departure
FROM AdjacentLocations
    JOIN Trips USING (trip_id) 
    JOIN ThisWeek using (service_id)
WHERE next_loc is not null

CREATE INDEX idx_lpf_this_loc ON MV_LocationPairFreqs (this_loc);

-- select * from MV_LocationPairFreqs where this_loc = '313177';
date this_loc next_loc departure_time next_departure
20250203 313177 316811 06:40:00 17:58:00
20250203 313177 316811 17:58:00 18:40:00
20250203 313177 316811 18:40:00
20250204 313177 316811 06:40:00 17:58:00
20250204 313177 316811 17:58:00 18:40:00
20250204 313177 316811 18:40:00
20250205 313177 316811 06:40:00 17:58:00
20250205 313177 316811 17:58:00 18:40:00
20250205 313177 316811 18:40:00
20250206 313177 316811 06:40:00 17:58:00
20250206 313177 316811 17:58:00 18:40:00
20250206 313177 316811 18:40:00
20250207 313177 316811 06:40:00 17:58:00
20250207 313177 316811 17:58:00 18:40:00
20250207 313177 316811 18:40:00

Picking Winners

Remember, we want to know whether or not a given stop stop maintains decent frequency all day every day.

This SQL checks that the headway between subsequent services is 15 minutes or less, 7AM to 7PM, for the dates Monday 3rd through Friday 7th of February, 2025.

WITH Span AS (
    SELECT * FROM MV_LocationPairFreqs
        departure_time BETWEEN '07:00:00' AND '19:00:00'
        AND date BETWEEN 20250203 AND 20250207
Diffs AS (
SELECT this_loc, next_loc,
    max(timediff(next_departure, departure_time)) as maxdiff
GROUP BY this_loc, next_loc
HAVING maxdiff BETWEEN '+0000-00-00 00:00:00.001' AND '+0000-00-00 00:15:00.000'
FreqStopIds AS (
    SELECT this_loc as stop_id FROM Diffs
    SELECT next_loc as stop_id FROM Diffs
SELECT stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon 
FROM FreqStopIds JOIN Stops USING (stop_id)
-- limit 2
stop_id stop_name stop_lat stop_lon
10 Ann Street Stop 10 at King George Square -27.468003 153.023970
10079 Mollison St near Melbourne St, stop 5 -27.477055 153.011924

Now we can do useful things like mapping the frequent network!

I found that this included less stops than I expected, perhaps due to the occasional greater-than-15-minute headway.

In order to be robust and allow a few lapses, we should probably adopt a percentile-based approach or even an effective-frequency one.

Effective Frequency

The following code uses an effective-frequency approach in that we weight headways by expected waiting time.

For example, if the bus comes every 15 minutes exactly, the average wait time is 7.5 minutes. But for the same four buses an hour, if they came at :00, :05, :10, :15 (i.e. a 45-minute gap each hour), the average wait time is 17.5 minutes! For more information please refer to Effective Frequency calculator.

We start by filtering down our stop-pair-trips from MV_LocationPairFreqs such that they’re in our date range and departure is between 7am and 7pm. We’ll worry about evening service another time, this post is long enough already.

Sum up the total amount of waiting for each stop-pair for each day we care about. While we’re at it, let’s make sure the full 12 hours a day are basically covered by hardcoding span requirements.

Next, we’ll set a baseline frequency of 4/hour, which when split evenly gives us an expected total amount of wait time each day. Then we divide by the actual amount of waiting for a ratio representing service level on each day — higher is better.

We threshold by the worst ratio in the week to ensure a high level of service every day. We’ll allow a 5% tolerance, which is enough for one 30-minute gap each day, maybe two if taking full advantage of the tolerances around departure times, or a few more if offset by higher-frequency peak service.

CREATE VIEW EffectiveDaytimeFrequencies AS
WITH Span AS (
    SELECT date, this_loc, next_loc, departure_time, next_departure,
        pow(((unixepoch(next_departure) - unixepoch(departure_time)) / 60.0), 2.0) / 2.0 as wait_sqmin
    FROM MV_LocationPairFreqs
        departure_time BETWEEN '07:00:00' AND '19:00:00'
        AND date BETWEEN 20250203 AND 20250209
Effective AS (
    SELECT date, this_loc, next_loc,
        round(((15.0 * 15.0 / 2.0) * 4.0 * 12.0) / sum(wait_sqmin), 2) as ratio,
        count(*), cast(round(sqrt(max(wait_sqmin) * 2.0), 0) as int) as maxwait
    FROM Span
    GROUP BY date, this_loc, next_loc
    HAVING min(departure_time) <= '07:15:00' and max(next_departure) >= '18:45:00'
select this_loc, next_loc, min(ratio) from Effective
group by this_loc, next_loc
having min(ratio) > 0.95

-- select * from EffectiveDaytimeFrequencies where next_loc in ('10', '10079', 'place_ccbs') order by next_loc;
this_loc next_loc min(ratio)
7 10 0.97
1046 10079 1.0
40 place_ccbs 0.98
43 place_ccbs 1.6
44 place_ccbs 1.0
45 place_ccbs 1.34
46 place_ccbs 1.46
1076 place_ccbs 1.48
10079 place_ccbs 1.0
19910 place_ccbs 1.0
200611 place_ccbs 3.38
place_kgbs place_ccbs 2.5
place_qsbs place_ccbs 6.41
place_sbank place_ccbs 7.52

Now we can put every stop in EffectiveDaytimeFrequencies on a map.

CREATE VIEW EffectiveDaytimeStopFrequencies AS
WITH EffFreqIds AS (
    select this_loc as stop_loc from EffectiveDaytimeFrequencies
    select next_loc as stop_loc from EffectiveDaytimeFrequencies
select stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon
from Stops join EffFreqIds ON (stop_loc = stop_id)

The only issue from here is that the map is dotted with a number of small clusters (which I wasn’t expecting). These are due to a number of infrequent routes all converging on the same 2-3 stops at the end of their route.

I don’t really consider these little clusters part of “the” frequent network. Let’s figure out how to remove them programatically.

Analysis with GraphViz

With select format('%s -- %s;', this_loc, next_loc) from EffectiveDaytimeFrequencies; and a bit of file editing, we can actually create a GraphViz file!

We can arguably improve the visualised output with something like select format('%s [pos="%f,%f"];', stop_id, stop_lon, stop_lat) from EffectiveDaytimeStopFrequencies; to put coordinates as node attributes. (Some file editing might be required if quotes get borked - we want stop_id [pos="stop_lon,stop_lat"];) so consider using .mode list beforehand.)

This revealed that SEQ has not one frequent network, but rather several frequent subnetworks. The largest frequent network is the Brisbane one, comprising mostly of BUZ routes but also the frequent core of the QR heavy rail network. The second-largest is on the Gold Coast, based around the G:Link and connected frequent routes. Other items are notable, such as the 600 bus on the southern Sunshine Coast, and the Noosa-Tewantin frequent shuttle.

In total 42 clusters were found for early February 2025. Most of these were otherwise-disconnected pairs and triplets due to combined frequency from several routes between just a couple of stops. One example is in Scarborough (northern Redcliffe). The Dockside & Sydney St cross river ferry represents a standalone pair with a legitimately frequent route.

We can put additional graph connections in when stops are very physically close in real life, but not directly connected by services or parent_station. For example, the 740 on the Gold Coast terminates about 100m down the road from the Cypress Avenue light rail station. A 200 metre threshold for these extra connections gets us down to 27 clusters.

Initially I committed GIS crimes here by just taking the hypotenuse of the latitude and longitude, but I have now seen the light and used the haversine formula:

CREATE VIEW CloseFrequents AS
SELECT A.stop_id as this_loc, B.stop_id as next_loc,
    2.0 * 6371000.0 * asin(sqrt(
        (   1.0 
            - cos(radians(B.stop_lat - A.stop_lat)) 
            + cos(radians(A.stop_lat))
            * cos(radians(B.stop_lat))
            * (1.0 - cos(radians(B.stop_lon - A.stop_lon)))
        ) / 2.0 
    )) as haver_m
FROM EffectiveDaytimeStopFrequencies A, EffectiveDaytimeStopFrequencies B
WHERE A.stop_id <> B.stop_id
    and haver_m <= 200.0

-- select * from EffectiveDaytimeFrequencies where stop_id = 'place_cypsta';
-- select * from CloseFrequents where this_loc = 'place_cypsta';
this_loc next_loc min(ratio)
place_cypsta place_cavsta 1.47
place_cypsta place_spnstn 1.5
this_loc next_loc haver_m
place_cypsta 300539 157.478940094637
place_cypsta 300540 188.048300729033
place_cypsta 319488 102.387779140933

While not shown in the tables above, the vast bulk of connections made here are actually just inbound/outbound bus stop pairs — after all, the bus usually has to stop on both sides of the road! Before adding these connections, radial routes tended to form big petal-shaped loops in the GraphViz visualisation; now they form a ladder.

As it turns out, with that 200m threshold the median and average distances between these paired stops are just over 100m, although with a 200m threshold it’s plausible that some of the next stops along are sneaking in. To pursue this analysis further would mean excluding pairs of stops which have the same route going the same direction. But that’s not what we’re looking to explore today.

Here’s some SQLite CLI commands to get the GraphViz output.

.headers off
.mode list

.once node_pos.gv
select format('%s [pos="%f,%f"];', stop_id, stop_lon, stop_lat) from EffectiveDaytimeStopFrequencies;

.once node_link.gv
select format('%s -- %s;', this_loc, next_loc)
    from (
        select this_loc, next_loc
            from EffectiveDaytimeFrequencies
        select this_loc, next_loc
            from CloseFrequents
            where this_loc < next_loc
.sh echo 'graph frequent_network {' | cat - node_pos.gv node_link.gv > frequent_graph.gv
.sh echo '}' >> frequent_graph.gv
.sh dot -Kneato -s1 -Tpdf frequent_graph.gv > frequent_network.pdf

.headers on

Filtering with GraphViz

The GraphViz tool ccomps will find all the connected components for us. Slightly frustratingly, we don’t need the positional hints at this stage, but we can filter them out. We also filter out all the small clusters (leaving just the big two with 20+ nodes):

ccomps -nxz -X%20- < frequent_graph.gv | grep -v 'pos=' > fg_comps.gv
dot -Kneato -s1 -Tpdf -O < fg_comps.gv

This produces first a .gv file with subgraph entries, then two visualisation PDFs, for the Brisbane and Gold Coast clusters.

We can scrape fg_comps.gv into a list of stops again, then add the positional data back in to map it:

sed -nE -e 's/[[:space:]]*(.+) --.*/\1/p' < fg_comps.gv > tmp_a.txt
sed -nE -e 's/.*-- (.+);.*/\1/p' < fg_comps.gv >> tmp_b.txt
cat tmp_a.txt tmp_b.txt | sort | uniq > stop_id_list.txt
rm tmp_a.txt tmp_b.txt
.mode csv
.headers off
.import stop_id_list.txt FrequentStopIds
.headers on
.once frequent_effective_stops_bigclusters.csv
SELECT stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon
    FROM Stops JOIN FrequentStopIds USING (stop_id);

The Final Result

The below image maps out the two major frequent sub-networks in SEQ, using QGIS.

Stops: TransLink. Base layer: OpenStreetMap. LGA boundaries: Qld Govt.

Bonus: Utility Views

When looking at visual representations, I regularly find myself thinking “hang on, which routes go through here again?”

SELECT DISTINCT route_short_name, stop_id, coalesce(nullif(parent_station, ''), stop_id) as combo_id
FROM StopTimes JOIN Trips USING (trip_id) JOIN Routes using (route_id) JOIN Stops using (stop_id);

-- select route_short_name from StopRoutes where combo_id = 'place_kgbs'
-- intersect
-- select route_short_name from StopRoutes where combo_id = 'place_winsta';

Because StopRoutes is undated, both the 66 and the M2 show up as the GTFS I used straddled the changeover!