Alex Jago Hi, I’m Alex.

I’ve recently graduated with a Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of Queensland, majoring in Cyber Security, having previously studied towards an Electrical & Computer Engineering degree, also at UQ.

I take pride in ensuring that information is correct, complete and comprehensible, both as an inherent virtue and to empower everyone to make good decisions.

Featured Projects

Qld State Election Projection

July 2017 - present

Wrote code to perform analysis of voter preferences, to project that analysis from booth to tract level, and to reaggregate at state district level; first in Python, then in Rust. Developed swing model and implemented predictor online in JavaScript. Analysed projection and predictor performance after election.

‘Fluvial’ Transport Patronage Visualiser

2019 - present

Combined TransLink SEQ origin-destination and GTFS data to diagrammatically visualise stop-by-stop patronage for bus and ferry routes, first with Python, now with Rust.

QICA Score Preparation

2019 - 2020

Transcribed, proofread, laid out and transposed an 85-page conductor’s score, in preparation for a planned July 2020 performance.

‘Plants vs Cars’ App

August - October 2021

Developed geographic algorithms, code & user interfaces for a mobile app (Expo/React Native) gamifying public & active transport usage. Team project as part of UQ’s DECO3801 course.

Room Localisation

April - May 2015

Wrote WiFi analysis code, performing data gathering, storage and presentation on an Android device. This project was part of the CSSE4011 course, co-supervised by CSIRO researchers.


Course Tutor

University of Queensland — 2022 - 2024

Taught practicals (assisting students with their code) & tutorials (concepts, worked exercises). Marked presentations and reports. Answered student questions throughout the semester. Developed new practical assignments.


Bachelor of Computer Science (Cyber Security)

University of Queensland — 2020 - 2021

Coursework previously completed for a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Computer) from 2012 to 2016.



Data analysis (spreadsheet, spatial and programmatic). HTML5 web stack. Basic Linux server administration. Discrete analog electronics. Office software. QGIS. Python, C, SQL, Java, Rust.


Determining (and negotiating) client requirements in a services context. Meeting procedure and minuting. Report-writing. Graphic design. Social media administration.

Leadership & Community

Queensland University Musical Society

  • Secretary (2021 - 2023)
  • Treasurer (2018 - 2021)
  • Librarian (2017)
  • Fundraising Officer (2014 - 2016)

Pirate Party Australia

  • Secretary (2018 - present)
  • Registered Officer (2017 - 2018)
